Difference between revisions of "Verdict:DmbCQLJw-bmCbBSaW-bdRtGlEs/2"

From cm2.liecourt.com
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|Case ID=dmbCQLJw-bmCbBSaW-bdRtGlEs
|Case ID=dmbCQLJw-bmCbBSaW-bdRtGlEs
|Truth percentage=80
|Truth text=Bromage's article
|Whole truth=no
|Whole truth percentage=100
|Nothing But the truth=no
|Nothing But the truth percentage=100
|Deceit=Runners spread Covid-19
|Deceit percentage=100
|Deceit text=The liars need to read more about the science and think about what they are saying
|Deceit intended=no
|Deceit intended percentage=70
|Motivation=Possibly a dislike and fear of runners getting off scott free running
|Motivation percentage=60
|Motivation text=The Web MD article to points out that they are not runners.
|Social acceptability=Unacceptable
|Social acceptability percentage=40
|Label=This is not the truth. Please read https://www.erinbromage.com/post/the-risks-know-them-avoid-them.”

Latest revision as of 14:19, 28 May 2020

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