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|Case ID=AffAbd6ih6af6abDfiHf
|Case ID=AffAbd6ih6af6abDfiHf
|Truth percentage=100
|Truth text=if you narrate a book yourself or hire a narrator and get the raw audio files, you can put the book on audible (DRMed) and ALSO distribute DRM free, or use another DRM distributor/seller. I don't recall an exclusive distribution provision by Audible of the performance content or a grant of copyright to them. Similarly for kindle.
|Whole truth=no
|Whole truth percentage=100
|Whole truth text=see above
|Nothing But the truth=no
|Nothing But the truth percentage=100
|Nothing But the truth text=Audible places no restriction on the copyright owners to distribute any other way they want.
|Deceit=The Audible is factually a chokepoint.  Unlike other chokepoints, Amazon and Kindle do not disallow other publishing outlets.
|Deceit percentage=100
|Deceit text=
|Deceit intended=yes
|Deceit intended percentage=100
|Deceit intended text=Doctorow is quite intelligent and can explain things well when he wants to.  I think this was an intentional lie.
|Motivation=The motivation was grevance about DRM and a DRM publisher.
|Motivation percentage=100
|Motivation text=
|Social acceptability=Unacceptable
|Social acceptability percentage=100
|Social acceptability text=People will think that Amazon and Audible have somehow claimed copyright, which they have not.  And it is not at all true.  Audible players are FREE.  If you decide never to use Audible for some grevance, you can always record the book off Audible once and keep that recording.  You can even easily script this.
|Label=Misleading: Audible does not have a monopoly on distributing the author's work if only because the Author can distribute it many other ways without a legal problem with Audible.
|Label percentage=100
|Label text=Cory's excuse:  He wants the list of people Amazon sold the copies to.  I don't authors ever get that with any publisher unless they self publish.  And Amazon is the publisher.
Yes, you can sell elsewhere, but how do you get your listeners non-DRM copies if you leave Audible and want to take them with you? Audible won't tell you who bought your book through its service, much less help you deliver MP3 versions to them so they can resign from Audible without losing your books.

Latest revision as of 09:45, 23 August 2022

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