
From cm2.liecourt.com
Revision as of 19:24, 13 May 2020 by Maintenance script (talk | contribs) (Fill database)
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This is the Module template. It should be called in the following format:

|Name= <text>
|Purpose = <Text describing the purpose of this module>
|Status = <Allowed values for property:Status of module>
|Module code = unique 2 or 3 character code to identify the module and to use in system messages, classes, js functions etc.
|Module prefix = OPTIONAL: defaults to ws<Module code>, i.e. when module code="doc", the prefix is "wsdoc", unless this parameter is used. 
|Version = <Version number>
|Version notes = <text> optional notes about the version
|Dependent on = <pages> Optional: Other modules this module is dependent on, e.g. Wiki:Module/00002, Wiki:Module/00003
|Custom pages= <pages, separated by ";"> Pages that should be customized per wiki. They are excluded from the export list and shown separately.
|Additional pages= <pages, separated by ";"> Additional pages belonging to the module (use this for pages where it's not possible to use "Template:Managed" e.g. in MediaWiki namespace)
|Features = <pages> Features that are part of this module
|Managed from wiki= {{SERVERNAME}} of the wiki from which the module is managed, e.g. "i.wikibase.nl".
|Module folder= <text> e.g. "wsdocument", "wsbasics" name of the folder containing files of the module
|Customized module= <optional: Yes> use this parameter to specify that a module on a wiki is a customized version of the standard module