Difference between revisions of "Verdict:AffDjaEdgDaf6djAedGd/1"

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|Case ID=AffDjaEdgDaf6djAedGd
|Case ID=AffDjaEdgDaf6djAedGd
|Name=Juror 4
|Name=Juror 4
|Truth percentage=100
|Truth text=It is possible to get hit by a coconut, but it almost never has actually happened.
|Whole truth=no
|Whole truth percentage=100
|Whole truth text=On Maui it is really not something to worry about as a practical matter. Worry about sharks or getting hit by a car.
|Nothing But the truth=no
|Nothing But the truth percentage=100
|Nothing But the truth text=It mixes some truth and a lot of imagination.
|Deceit=Deceit is that this is something to worry about.
|Deceit percentage=80
|Deceit text=-
|Deceit intended=no
|Deceit intended percentage=80
|Deceit intended text=Whoever wrote this was just telling a tall tale and probably didn't even know it. (Coconut trees are pruned for a reason you say).
|Motivation=Like the others. to sort of get you thinking about how Maui is different from where you came from.
|Motivation percentage=50
|Motivation text=-
|Social acceptability=Acceptable
|Social acceptability percentage=60
|Social acceptability text=A person utilising funny content that may not be fully true to earn some money and rank high on google.
|Label=Coconuts do fall from trees and they could hurt you but just look up to see if there are coconuts up there. and if so (which is rare). don't lay or stand directly below them and don't put a car directly under one which has coconuts on them (which is actually very hard to do. usually). Very very rare possibility. Sharks attacks are more likely. and even they are rare except in early morning or evening times (dusk) or muddy water.

Latest revision as of 16:35, 28 September 2022

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