Difference between revisions of "Verdict:AfeBhfDfbAafEbh6dfBa/2"

From cm2.liecourt.com
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|Case ID=AfeBhfDfbAafEbh6dfBa
|Case ID=AfeBhfDfbAafEbh6dfBa
|Truth percentage=60
|Truth text=The advertising they are performing is sort of the truth
|Whole truth=no
|Whole truth percentage=100
|Whole truth text=They don't mention that it has almost zero impact and that they are still the biggest plastic polluters
|Nothing But the truth=no
|Nothing But the truth percentage=100
|Deceit=They are helping the environment and their actions are working
|Deceit percentage=80
|Deceit text=
|Deceit intended=yes
|Deceit intended percentage=100
|Deceit intended text=They now all the statistics but don't do enough against it or just keep advertising
|Motivation=They want to make themselves look good.
|Motivation percentage=
|Motivation text=
|Social acceptability=Unacceptable
|Social acceptability percentage=20
|Social acceptability text=The question that is good to discuss. Is the plastic waste the cause of the consumer trowing it away or the company selling the products to these customers that can pollute the world.
|Label=Hypocritical advertising
|Label percentage=100

Latest revision as of 09:11, 18 May 2022

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