Difference between revisions of "Verdict:Afd6hbEah6afDfhBeaHf/2"

From cm2.liecourt.com
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|Case ID=Afd6hbEah6afDfhBeaHf
|Case ID=Afd6hbEah6afDfhBeaHf
|Truth percentage=100
|Truth text=The fillings he did say he will be paying taxes
|Whole truth=no
|Whole truth percentage=100
|Nothing But the truth=no
|Nothing But the truth percentage=100
|Deceit=Elon Musk doesn't pay any taxes while he is getting enormous wealth
|Deceit percentage=80
|Deceit text=
|Deceit intended=yes
|Deceit intended percentage=60
|Deceit intended text=You would expect a politician to do some research before stating this. And Elon Musk responded to her tweet and she didn't change her tweet at all.
|Motivation=To get attention and get liked by the people that are fighting against extreme wealth
|Motivation percentage=85
|Motivation text=
|Social acceptability=Unacceptable
|Social acceptability percentage=90
|Social acceptability text=She is stating a fact about Elon Musk that is damaging him while it is just not true
|Label=He is paying Tax and a lot
|Label percentage=60

Latest revision as of 11:32, 9 March 2022

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